Surviving & Thriving During
Your Service Year at Imagine Art

Imagine Art is committed to supporting AmeriCorps members survive and thrive during their service year.


AmeriCorps One Stop is a portal for AmeriCorps Members serving at Imagine Art to access guidance and resources to support them throughout their service year as well as prepare them for post service year.

The AmeriCorps Service Year as a Transformational Experience is a motivational Slideshow featuring words of wisdom from AmeriCorps Alumni about their transformational experiences serving as artists-in-residence at Imagine Art.

Past AmeriCorps Members share their words of wisdom to prospective AmeriCorps applicants and incoming AmeriCorps members for a successful service year.

Learn more about the AmeriCorps Program’s Legacy of Service at Imagine Art on our AmeriCorps Alumni web page.

Teaching Artists-in-Residence perform essential and marginal job functions during the service year. They are evaluated on their performance of these functions at the mid-year and at the end of the year.

AmeriCorps members are encouraged to review the position description periodically throughout the service year to ensure they understand the implementation of their job duties. If you feel that you are unclear what the expectations are concerning the performance of these functions, please have a conversation with the AmeriCorps Program Director at Imagine Art for clarification and support.

Professional Development & Training

Professional development of our AmeriCorps members is critical to their having a transformational experience during their service year.

If you find a need for professional development or training, visit with the AmeriCorps Program Director at Imagine Art to see how we can meet your needs.

Professional Norms are guidelines for how the team members will interact and communicate. Norms help to clarify the expected behavior of individuals on the team and prevent unnecessary conflict. Norms matter to a team because they lead to clear expectations for how the team interacts and performs.

Professional norms also matter because at Imagine Art, our AmeriCorps members are modeling these behavioral norms for the benefit of our artists every day in the studio.

Health and Wellness at the Studio

Preventative Measures for Cold/Flu/Covid Season

  1. Get the latest vaccine from your health provider or pharmacy.

  2. If you have a fever or flu symptoms, contact your supervisor and don't go to work.

  3. Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone, don’t delay seeking medical attention for persistent symptoms.

  4. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, not your hands, when coughing or sneezing. 

  5. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

  6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  7. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home and at work.

  8. Practice healthy habits: Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.

  9. Be observant. If you see observe symptoms, say something….everyone’s health is at risk.

  10. Be vigilant. Reinforce #4, #5, #6 with our clients.

What to do During a Health Incident| Covid Protocols

Safety Protocols

  • Familiarize yourself with the evacuation plans at each studio

  • Know where the fire extinguishers and first aid kits are located at each studio

  • Dial 9-1-1 for an emergency, 3-1-1 for non-life threatening emergencies

  • Dial 1-800-222-1222 for a poisoning emergency or question

Safety Precautions

  • Be conscious as to what others are doing around you, and do your best to ensure you don’t pose a hazard to them (and vice versa).

  • Keep the studio clean and emergency exits clear of obstruction

  • Exercise caution when using power tools, electrical equipment, etc. Always inspect them for damage before use.

  • Always read labels and instructions alerting you to potential dangers and hazards. Wear safety googles and gloves as directed.

Additional Resources